Fitness, Nutrition & Lifestyle Consultation in Battersea or Online

Fitness, Nutrition & Lifestyle Consultation

Kick start better habits today with my fitness, nutrition and lifestyle consultation. 

KNOW YOURSELF | I will conduct physical assessments (assessing your posture, flexibility, metabolic age, blood pressure, heart rate and body fat), lifestyle analysis (nutrition & exercise), fitness level assessments (cardiovascular & muscular endurance).

CHOOSE A PATH | Together, we will set realistic fitness, nutrition, well-being goals and develop a bespoke plan for achieving them.

TAKE ACTION | I will guide you towards lifestyle and exercise choices to help make your best self a reality.

Get in touch to book or for more information and pricing. 

Fitness, Nutrition & Lifestyle Consultation

Health & Fitness Consultation

Transform your Health With my comprehensive fitness, Nutrition And lifestyle Consultation

For clients committed to achieving significant improvements in their health, fitness, nutrition and overall lifestyle, an initial consultation serves as a pivotal step towards attaining sustainable and substantial results. Through this comprehensive assessment, we gather essential insights into your individual circumstances, enabling us to develop a detailed and strategic plan tailored to your goals.

Comprehensively understanding your current situation is essential to effecting meaningful changes in your nutrition, fitness regime, and lifestyle habits.

You will receive:

  • Food diary analysis & lifestyle analysis report

  • Personalised nutrition plan & tracking documents

  • Bespoke exercise plan

  • Unlimited access to our head coach

Consultations typically last one hour and can take place in person at my practice on Battersea park or online via Zoom or FaceTime.


READY TO transform your health?


Let your journey begin…